How to read the Race Results
This is a question that comes up from time to time. Here are the specifics!
Race Results can be found on the Results page.
Yacht of the Year (YOY)
Yacht of the Year results are broken into two sections. The top of the page includes overall “Series” results for each division. This is your standing to date for the overall YOY trophy.
YOY races use the Low Point scoring system – the fewer points your boat has, the better! Note that discards come into play after a certain number of races throughout the year – these can change the standings dramatically and give additional boats a chance for year-end awards.
YOY – Overall
The above is an example of the overall series scoring for Division 1. It is found at the top of the Yacht of the Year results.
Sailed: Number of races sailed to date
Discards: Number of discarded races based on number of sailed races (see SI’s). Discarded races appear in parentheses.
Rating System: We use PHRF Time on Time for ratings. See the Ratings and Divisions page for more details.
Entries: Number of boats registered in the division
Total: Total number of points a boat has accumulated
Nett: Number of points, excluding discards
Notes: See the Ratings and Divisions page for more details.
Note that SCSC also presents awards based on standings for each sub-series (Spring, Summer, and Fall). Those are published as needed, and typically just prior to the award ceremony.
YOY – Individual Race
The above is an example of the individual race scoring for Division 1, Spring Series race #1. It is found below Overall Scoring for Yacht of the Year results.
Start: Which start the division participated in for this race. Typically 1, 2, or 3.
Finishes: Means that the “Finish” column is an exact recording of the time on the R/C’s stopwatch. This time, minus the Start Time (see “Time” below) equals the Elapsed Time.
Time: Time of the Start signal. Our R/C uses stopwatches started at an arbitrary time. Some clubs use GPS time.
Distance: Distance of the course, typically measured to the hundredth of a mile.
Course: The course sailed. This field usually does not denote changes of course or shortening of course.
Wind dir: Average wind direction during the race.
Ave wind: Average wind speed, as noticed by the R/C occasionally at the start and during the race.
PHRF TOT: The boat’s PHRF handicap for Time-On-Time scoring. See the Ratings and Divisions page for more details.
Finish: Finish time, as recorded on the R/C’s stopwatches. (also see “Time” above)
Elapsed: Actual time to sail the course. “Finish” minus “Time” fields.
Corrected: Elapsed time adjusted for the boat’s handicap via a nifty mathematical formula.
BCE: (Back Calculated Elapsed) Shows how much time you needed to knock off your elapsed time to win.
Points: How many points the boat gained in this race.
Notes: See the Ratings and Divisions page for an explanation of the codes used here. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
Beercan Races
Beercan Races are similar to Yacht of the Year races, with two major distinctions:
- Beercan Races are scored using the High Point system. In other words, the MORE points you earn, the better!
- Beercan Races do not have an overall trophy. Therefore, the top section (overall scoring) is largely irrelevant.
Other Races
SCSC holds many other types of races throughout the year. Aside from Beercan races, they are typically scored using the Low Point system (like the YOY races). See the NOR or SI’s of each event for specifics.